Greetings South Families

PARCC Testing

PARCC testing begins on Monday, March 9 for all 3rd through 5th graders at South. PARCC, which replaces the ISAT is new to all of us. Our teachers have been working very hard to challenge and support your children in all academic areas and PARCC is just one way to help measure their progress. This is not something for them to stress over. We want students to take the test seriously and do their very best, but we also want them to go into testing week feeling confident and calm. You can help support them by:

Making sure they are in school every day and ON TIME that week.
Getting them to bed early so they are well rested and ready to go.
Making sure they eat a good breakfast before school. A reminder that breakfast is served at South every morning from 8:35-8:55.

Arrival and Dismissal

We realize that the snow and cold weather makes dropping off and picking up your child at school a challenge. However, we have to make safety our number one priority and want to remind everyone of our traffic rules:

There is no parking in the staff parking lot OR in the alley on the west side of our building. We must keep this area clear for the busses. We have also seen several kids running out to meet parents at their cars without looking where they are going. This is extremely unsafe.
No U-turns
No Double Parking at any time.
Cross only at Crosswalks.


White Pines Fundraiser

The 5th graders annual trip to White Pines is a wonderful tradition here at South! You can help support that tradition by participating in this great fundraiser! From February 18-March 18 our 4th graders will be selling delicious frozen pastry dough for Butter Braids! These delicious treats come in 9 fabulous flavors including apple, cream cheese, and double chocolate! Order yours today!

PTO Cookie Dough Fundraiser

The cookie dough fundraiser starts today! The oldest child in each family will come home with information and an order form so please check backpacks. This fundraiser runs until March 13 so please put your order in right away! Not only will you get delicious cookie dough, but you will also be supporting South School!

Upcoming Events/Reminders:

2nd Trimester ends today! Report cards will be out on Friday, March 13.
Band and Orchestra students WILL have early morning practice during PARCC testing!
PARCC testing runs from March 9-13
The next PTO meeting is Thursday, March 12 at 6:00. Everyone is welcome!
The South Variety Show is Wednesday, March 18. We will have a performance at 1:45 and a performance at 6:30.
“Smiles in Motion” which offers free dental check ups will be at South on March 25. Consent forms will go home on Monday, March 2.
The FUN FAIR has been rescheduled for Thursday, April 9. Please mark your calendars.

As always, if you have any questions or concerns please don’t hesitate to contact me.

Have a wonderful weekend,

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